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  • U.S. Supreme Court April 24 arguments

    Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case on the intent required for a burglary offense and in a bankruptcy case on whether a creditor’s good-faith belief that trying to collect a debt does not violate a discharge order protects the creditor from contempt.
  • U.S. Supreme Court April 23 arguments

    Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in an illegal firearms possession case, a case involving a warrantless blood draw from an unconscious motorist, and a case on whether the Department of Commerce’s decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census was unlawful.
  • U.S. Supreme Court April 22 arguments

    Monday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a Freedom of Information Act case involving disclosure of confidential information and a case on whether administrative exhaustion is a jurisdictional prerequisite to suit.
  • U.S. Supreme Court April 17 arguments

    Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court hears arguments in a case on the definition of “crime of violence” and a case on the statute of limitations applicable to federal civil rights actions.
  • U.S. Supreme Court April 16 arguments

    Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case on whether state or federal law applies to offshore oil drilling operations and a case on state taxation of non-resident trusts.
  • U.S. Supreme Court April 15 arguments

    Monday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a trademark case on “immoral” and “scandalous” marks and in a securities case on whether there is a right of action based on a negligent misstatement made in connection with a tender offer.