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To request a Certificate of Standing and/or Certificate of Disciplinary History, e-mail with the following in the body of your e-mail (using your own contact information, of course):

If you are sending certificate(s) to an admissions authority, verify with the authority if the certificate(s) should go directly to it, should be originals and mailed to you, or can be emailed to you before you make your request.  This will avoid delay and duplication due to the certificate(s) being incorrectly sent.

  1. Name;
  2. N.D. Bar I.D. Number;
  3. Indicate if you want the certificate(s) emailed or mailed;
  4. Complete mailing address or e-mail address where the original certificate(s) should be sent.  The address must be the attorney’s address absent written permission of the attorney; and
  5. Indicate if you need just a Certificate of Good Standing or whether a Certificate of Disciplinary History is also needed.  

There is no fee for the certificate(s).

Certificate(s) are done approximately once per week.