Albert C. Bakken
District Court Judge
Appointed in 1967
Judge Bakken was born near Sharon, North Dakota on December 19, 1920. Attended rural elementary school, Sharon High School, Mayville State College, University of Wisconsin and University of North Dakota, L. L. B. 1948. Practiced law at Finley, North Dakota; State's Attorney of Steele County 1949-1951; counsel for North Dakota Tax Department 1953-1954; First Assistant Attorney General 1955-1956; practiced law at Cooperstown, North Dakota 1957-1967; State's Attorney of Griggs County 1959-1966. On August 1, 1967 Governor William L. Guy appointed him Judge of the First Judicial District. With the reorganization of the district court system in 1979, he became Judge of the Northeast Central Judicial District. He served in that capacity until 1987. Judge Bakken died January 20, 2009 in Woodburn, Oregon.