North Dakota Supreme Court Justices Teaching Institute
Application For 2023
Available Here
March 2023: Applications will be e-mailed to teachers.
May 1: Application Deadline
Mid May: Letters will be sent to successful applicants informing them of their selection and providing initial instruction.
The North Dakota Supreme Court Justices Teaching Institute is scheduled for October 19-20, 2023 in Bismarck. High school government, history, and social studies teachers are invited to apply to attend this day-and-a-half educational experience.
The Justices Teaching Institute involves the study of the North Dakota court system, judicial decision making, and the United States Constitution. Participants will experience a wide range of sessions, dialogue, and activities with the North Dakota Supreme Court Justices. The 2023 Institute will focus on the 14th Amendment.
The participants play the role of a Justice on the Supreme Court, hearing an oral argument, conferencing, and then deciding the case. Teachers walk in the shoes of a Justice by learning how a case makes its way to the Supreme Court and how it is ultimately decided by the court.
There is no fee for this program. Expenses for lodging, meals, and mileage will be reimbursed.
Credit: The Institute is designed to provide the minimum contact time of 15 program hours, including 12 hours on-site and three additional hours for classroom implementation, as required for the participants to earn one graduate credit from the University of North Dakota. The credit fee is covered by the program.
For more information, contact Lee Ann Barnhardt at 701- 328-4251 or email