North Dakota Rules of Court
I. Scope of Rules
II. Commencement of Action -- Service of Process, Pleadings, Motions and Orders
- Rule 2.1 [Reserved For Future Use]
- Rule 2.2 Facsimile Transmission - Repealed Effective March 1, 2009
III. Pleadings and Motions
- Rule 3.1 Pleadings
- Rule 3.2 Motions
- Rule 3.3 Change of Judge for Postjudgment Motion or Proceeding
- Rule 3.4 Privacy Protection for Filings Made with the Court
- Rule 3.5 Electronic Filing in the District Courts
IV. Parties
- Rule 4.1 Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem - Repealed Effective March 1, 2000
- Rule 4.2 Notice to Interested Parties - Repealed Effective March 1, 2010
V. Provisional and Final Remedies and Special Proceedings
- Rule 5.1 Interstate Depositions and Discovery
- Rule 5.2 Extraordinary Writs
- Rule 5.3 Receivers
- Rule 5.4 Petition for Restoration of Firearms Rights
VI. Trials
- Rule 6.1 Continuances
- Rule 6.2 Opening Statements
- Rule 6.3 Parties' Order of Proceeding
- Rule 6.4 Exhibits
- Rule 6.5 [Repealed]
- Rule 6.6 Bench Warrant
- Rule 6.7 - Juror Note Taking
- Rule 6.8 - Questioning by Jury
- Rule 6.9 - Assisting Jurors at Impasse
- Rule 6.10 Courtroom Oaths
- Rule 6.11 Predeliberation Discussion by Jurors
VII. Judgment
VIII. Family Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Rule 8.1 Family Mediation Program
- Rule 8.2 Interim Orders in Domestic Relations Cases
- Rule 8.3 Case Management (Divorce Cases)
- Rule 8.3.1 Case Management (Determination of Parental Rights or Change of Residential Responsibility)
- Rule 8.4 Summons in Action For Divorce, Separation or to Determine Parental Rights and Responsibilities
- Rule 8.5 Domestic Relations Summary Proceeding
- Rule 8.6 Parenting Investigators
- Rule 8.7 Guardian Ad Litem
- Rule 8.8 Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Rule 8.9 Roster of Alternative Dispute Resolution Neutrals
- Rule 8.10 Collaborative Law
- Rule 8.11 Parenting Coordinators
- Rule 8.12 Notice in Action to Terminate Parental Rights
- Rule 8.13 In Chambers Interview of Child in Domestic Relations Case
- Rule 8.14 Termination of Child Support Order
- Rule 8.15. Abusive Litigation
IX. Appeals
X. Courts and Clerks
XI. General Provisions
- Rule 11.1 Nonresident Attorneys
- Rule 11.2 Withdrawal of Attorneys
- Rule 11.3 Stipulations
- Rule 11.4 Bonds in Non-criminal Matters
- Rule 11.5 Sanctions
- Rule 11.6 Medium-Neutral Case Citations
- Rule 11.7 Title
- Rule 11.8 Limited Professional Guardian Practice
- Rule 11.9 Limited Representation
- Appendix A. Summons in Action for Divorce or Separation
- Appendix B. Financial Statement and Affidavit
- Appendix C. Rule 8.3 Informational Statement
- Appendix D. Rule 8.3 Pretrial Conference Statement
- Appendix E. Rule 8.3 Property and Debt Listing
- Appendix F. Rule 8.8 Alternative Dispute Resolution Statement
- Appendix G. Rule 8.6 Custody Investigator Code of Conduct
- Appendix H. Rule 3.4 Confidential Information Form
- Appendix I. Rule 8.1 Family Mediation Program Forms
- Appendix J. Rule 3.5 Electronic Filing Forms
- Appendix K. Rule 3.5 Electronic Filing Requirements
- Appendix L. Rule 8.3.1 Informational Statement
- Appendix M. Rule 8.3.1 Scheduling Order
- Appendix A to Rule 8.9 Mediation Ethics