North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rules
Administrative Rules
- Rule 1 - Rule Relating to State Court Administrator
- Rule 2 - Rule Relating to Elections and Duties of Presiding Judges
- Rule 3 - Transfer of Small Claims Cases [NOT ADOPTED]
- Rule 4 - Assignment of Pending Cases during Transition to New Judicial Districts [OBSOLETE]
- Rule 5 - Powers and Duties of the Clerk of the Supreme Court
- Rule 6 - Judicial Districts
- Rule 6.1 - Administrative Units
- Rule 7 - Designation of Judgeships and Chambers with Assignments
- Rule 7.1 - Rule Regarding District Court Judgeship Chambers of Judicial Districts
- Rule 7.2 - North Dakota Rule Regarding Disposition of Judgeship Vacancies
- Rule 8 - Temporary Judges Appointment
- Rule 9 - Jury Selection Procedure
- Rule 10 - Change of Judge, County with Increased Jurisdiction [OBSOLETE]
- Rule 11 - Authority and Appointment of the Chief Justice
- Rule 12 - North Dakota Case Management Time Standards for District Courts
- Rule 13 - Judicial Referees
- Rule 14 - Judicial Planning Committee
- Rule 15 - Temporary Assignments of Judges
- Rule 16 - Appeals from Municipal Courts
- Rule 17 - Rules Relating to District Judge and Municipal Judge Self-Disqualification Procedure
- Rule 18 - North Dakota Legal Counsel for Indigents Rules [REPEALED]
- Rule 19 - Court Records Management Program
- Rule 20 - Magistrates-Qualifications, Authority, Education, & Procedures
- Rule 21 - Electronic and Photographic Coverage of Court Proceedings
- Rule 22 - North Dakota Administrative Council
- Rule 23 - North Dakota Pattern Jury Instruction Commission Rules
- Rule 24 - Administration of Interest on Lawyer Trust Account Program (IOLTA)
- Rule 24.1 - Grant Criteria and Guidelines of the Interest on Lawyer Trust Account Program (IOLTA)
- Rule 24.2 - Grant Application Procedures of the Interest on Lawyer Trust Account Program (IOLTA)
- Rule 25 - Authorizations to Administer Oaths
- Rule 26 - Court Records Management
- Rule 27 - Court of Appeals
- Rule 28 - Qualifications for Court-Appointed Mediators [REPEALED]
- Rule 29 - Qualifications, Employment, Compensation, and Authority Over Jury Bailiffs
- Rule 30 - Minimum Standards for Municipal Courts in North Dakota
- Rule 30.1 - Mandatory Continuing Judicial Education for Municipal Court Judges [REPEALED 4-13-94]
- Rule 31 - Facsimile Transmission
- Rule 32 - North Dakota Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission Rules [Terminated 8-3-93 under Rule 8, Sunset Provision]
- Rule 33 - Procedure for Adoption or Amendment of Administrative Policies Relating to Personnel
- Rule 34 - Advocates for Alleged Victims in Civil Protection Order Cases
- Rule 35 - Juvenile Policy Board
- Rule 36 - North Dakota Rules on Judicial Branch Education
- Rule 37 - Committee on Tribal and State Court Affairs
- Rule 38 - Joint Committee on Attorney Standards
- Rule 39 - Recording District Court Trials and Proceedings, and Preparing Transcripts
- Rule 40 - Access to Recordings of Proceedings in District Court
- Rule 41 - Access to Court Records
- Rule 41.1 - Open Meetings
- Rule 42 - Title and Citation
- Rule 43 - Joint Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Rule 44 - Informal Complaint Procedure
- Rule 45 - Records Management Program for Supreme Court Records
- Rule 46 - Duties and Appointment of the Clerk of the District Court
- Rule 47 - Record Searches
- Rule 48 - North Dakota Judicial Improvement Program
- Rule 49 - Lawyer Assistance Program
- Rule 50 - Court Interpreter Qualifications and Procedures
- Rule 51 - Sentencing Offenders Mortality Table
- Rule 52 - Reliable Electronic Means Proceedings
- Rule 53 - Jury Standards Committee [REPEALED]
- Rule 54 - Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee
- Rule 55 - Income Tax Return Setoff for Unpaid Court-Ordered Fines, Fees, and Costs
- Rule 56 - Juvenile Drug Court Advisory Committee
- Rule 57 - Judicial Emergency
- Rule 58 - Vexatious Litigation
- Rule 59 - Guardians
- Rule 60 - Interdisciplinary Committee on Specialized Dockets
- Rule 61 - Collection of Race Data
- Rule 62 - Rural Attorney Recruitment Program
- Rule 63 - Uniform Bail Schedule