Dickey County

Address: 309 N 2nd St. , Ellendale, ND 58436
Andi Schimke- Clerk of District Court
Chris Estes- Sheriff
Kimberly Radermacher- State's Attorney
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 336
Ellendale, ND 58436
Courthouse Hours: 8:00 – 4:30
Phone Number: (701)349-3249 ext. 4
Email Address: 11clerk@ndcourts.gov
Website: https://dickeynd.com/
Courthouse Instructions:
You can enter the courthouse through door 1(Southside) or door 3(Northside). Door 3 is handicap accessible and there is an elevator.
The Clerk of Court’s office is located on the first floor and can be accessed by the elevator or stairs. The courtroom is located on the second floor and can also be accessed by the elevator or by using the stairs.
The parking lot is located by door 3 and there are two handicap parking stalls available.
Courtroom Rules:
While attending court, all electronic devices including cell phones must be turned off.
No purses or backpacks. No Food or beverages. No hats or caps.
Jury Instructions:
This information is also listed in your summons.
Check in with bailiff on second floor by courtroom. If you are summoned for jury duty, you will be instructed to call the jury line the day before the trial and listen to a recorded message regarding the trial. Please call 701.349.833. In the courtroom all electronics devices including cell phones must be turned off, no purses or backpacks, no food or beverages, no hats or caps. Please leave these items in your vehicle.