Dunn County

Address: 205 Owens St., Manning, ND 58642
Lisa Guenther- Recorder/Clerk of District Court
Stephanie Kling- Deputy Clerk of District Court
Kelly Grabowska- Deputy Clerk of District Court
Gary Kuhn- Sheriff
Christina Kissinger- State's Attorney
Ross Sundeen- Assistant State's Attorney
Regular Courthouse Hours: Monday – Thursday 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. MT, Friday 8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT, open during the lunch hour. This will not affect our Wednesday - Friday trial schedule. The Clerk’s Office will be open all day on any Friday a trial is held.
Phone: (701) 573-4447
Fax: (701) 573-4444
Parking Instructions: Entrance to courthouse on Owens Street. Public parking on east side of courthouse.