Logan County

Address: 301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
Laura Henry- Clerk of District Court
Amanda Hayen- Deputy Clerk of District Court
Andrew Bartholomaus- Sheriff
Isaac Zimmerman- State's Attorney
Mailing Address: 301 BROADWAY, NAPOLEON ND 58561
Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:30am 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Phone: (701) 754-2751
Email Address: lahenry@nd.gov
Courthouse Instructions: Courtroom is on the Second Floor, Elevator is on the South End of the Building by the Clerk of Court office.
Courthouse Parking Instructions: Parking is on the West side of the Building on Broadway and South Side of the Building on Avenue B.
Jury Instructions: No Cell Phones, Hats, Cameras or Electronic Recording Devices. Everyone will be scanned by the Sheriff’s Department, Purses and Backpack will be searched.