Norman J. Backes
District Court Judge
Appointed in 1978
Born in 1937, Minot, ND. Graduate: Minot High School, St. John's University, Minot State College, JD from University of North Dakota. Admitted to Bar: 1966-1978, Fargo. Appointed District Judge in 1978 by Governor Arthur A. Link. Elected 1980, 1986, 1992, and 1998. Elected Presiding Judge June 30, 2003. Retired May 31, 2004. Member: Chairperson, Juvenile Procedures Committee of Judicial Conference; Cass County Bar Assn.; North Dakota State Bar Association; American Bar Association; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Chair, Juvenile Policy Board; District Court Personnel Advisory Board. Married: Wife, VeeAnn. Three children.