Joint Procedure Committee Meeting
Scheduled on Thursday, January 28, 1999 @ 10:00 AM
January 28-29, 1999 Meeting
Web Note
The Agenda retains page numbers for convenience of referring to the printed materials, even though they are irrelevant to accessing the documents on the Web.
Not all committee documents are available on the Web at this time (because they are not presently available in an electronic format).
The Committee's printed drafts contain line numbers which do not convert to the Web. Some additional formatting may be lost.
Questions or comments may be directed to Joint Procedure Committee Staff Attorney Gary Raedeke -
I. Roll Call
II. Minutes of September 24-25, 1998, Meeting 1
III. Old Business
A. Amendments Effective March 1, 1999
For informational purposes, included in the material are the changes made by the Supreme Court to the amendments proposed by the Committee in its annual rules package.
- Memorandum on Amendments . 18
- Changes made by Supreme Court .. 20
Rule 43
Rule 77
Rule 32
Rule 32.1
Form 8
Rule 10
Rule 31
B. Clerk of Court Legislation 51
At this time, it does not appear rule amendments are necessary in response to clerk of court legislation as the legislation currently being considered calls for maintaining clerk of court services in every county.
C. Expedited Hearing of Rules 8.6 and 8.7, N.D.R.Ct.
The Committee will consider whether the proposed new rules governing custody investigators and guardians ad litem should be submitted to the Supreme Court before the next annual rules package.
- Memorandum on Investigators . 52
- Minutes of the Joint Procedure Comm. 9-12 (Sept. 24-25, 1998) .. 54
- Memorandum from Sandi Tabor .... 57
- Rule 8.6, N.D.R.Ct. .. 58
- Rule 8.7, N.D.R.Ct. .. 61
D. Predeliberation Discussion
The Committee will decide whether to petition the Supreme Court for adoption of a rule allowing predeliberation discussion by jurors in civil cases.
- Memorandum on Juror Discussion . 65
- E-mail from Tom Munsterman 69
- Minutes of the Joint Procedure Comm. 9-11 (May 1, 1998) ... 70
- National Center for State Court's Study .. 73
- Memorandum from Patricia Monson 97
- Memorandum . 107
- Letter from Ronald McLean . 109
- Rule 39(f), Ariz.R.Civ.P .. 110
- Articles ... 111
- Section 28-14-16, N.D.C.C . 122
- Section 29-21-28, N.D.C.C . 123
- Proposed Rule 51, N.D.R.Civ.P. . 124
IV. New Business
A. Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Committee will consider recommending changes to Rule 16, N.D.R.Civ.P., and the adoption of two new North Dakota Rules of Court to promote and facilitate the use of ADR processes.
- Memorandum on ADR . 128
- Final Report of the Joint Dispute Resolution Study Committee 131
- Minutes of the Joint Procedure Comm. 19-20
(April 29, 1994) 148 - Rule 16, Fed.R.Civ.P. 150
- Rule 16.1, Local Rule of the U.S. Dist. Ct. for the Dist. of N.D . 152
- Rule 111, Minn. Gen. R. Prac ... 153
- Rule 114, Minn. Gen. R. Prac ... 156
- Form 111.02, Informational Statement 162
- Letter to Janet Demarais Seaworth ... 164
- Proposed Rule 16, N.D.R.Civ.P. . 167
- Proposed Rule 3.3, N.D.R.Ct. ... 173
- Proposed Rule 3.4, N.D.R.Ct. ... 179
B. Rule 4, N.D.R.Civ.P.; Service Upon a Governmental Entity
The Committee will consider, for service upon a governmental entity, whether the category of persons upon whom service may be made should be expanded beyond the governing board of the governmental entity.
- Memorandum on Rule 4 . 183
- Gessner v. City of Minot, 1998 ND 157, 583 N.W.2d 90 ... 184
- Section 28-0604, N.D.R.C .. 189
- Provisions for Service Upon Governmental Entity 190
- Outline of Statutory Provisions 198
- Proposed Rule 4, N.D.R.Civ.P. .. 202
C. Rule 11.1, N.D.R.Ct.; Nonresident Attorneys
The Committee will consider a proposal from the State Bar Board creating a motion procedure, including a $100 filing fee requirement, which must be complied with for a non-admitted nonresident attorney to appear in a North Dakota court proceeding.
- Memorandum on Rule 11.1 . 209
- Letter from State Bar Board .... 211
- Provisions Governing Nonresident Attorneys in North Dakota .... 213
- Provisions Governing Nonresident Attorneys in Minnesota .. 214
- Provisions Governing Nonresident Attorneys in Montana .... 216
- Provisions Governing Nonresident Attorneys in South Dakota .... 218
- Proposed Rule 11.1, N.D.R.Ct.; Alternative 1.. 220
- Proposed Rule 11.1, N.D.R.Ct.; Alternative 2.. 222
D. Last Minute Settlements and Plea Changes
The Committee will discuss potential solutions to the problems associated with last minute settlements and plea changes, including the assessment of costs unnecessarily incurred.
- Memorandum on Settlements . 226
- Letter from Judge Vukelic . 227
- Rule 16.2, U.S. Dist. Ct. Rules N.D. Fla . 228
- Rule 121, Minn. Gen. R. Prac ... 229
- Proposed Rule 68, N.D.R.Civ.P. . 230
- Proposed Rule 6.11, N.D.R.Ct. .. 235
E. Technical Amendment to Rule 603, N.D.R.Ev.
- Memorandum on Rule 603 . 236
- Proposed Rule 603, N.D.R.Ev. ... 237
F. Rule 31, N.D.R.Crim.P.; Polling the Jury
The Committee will consider whether to follow the 1998 amendment to Rule 31, Fed.R.Crim.P., and require jurors to be polled individually rather than collectively if polled.
- Memorandum on Rule 31 . 238
- Rule 31, Fed.R.Crim.P 239
- Section 28-14-23, N.D.C.C . 240
- Proposed Rule 31, N.D.R.Crim.P. 241
G. Section 10.1, N.D.R. Local Ct. P.R.; Effective Term of Local Court Rule
The Committee will decide whether local case assignment rules should be subject to the 5 year effective term provided in section 10.1, N.D.R. Local Ct. P.R.
- Memorandum on Case Assignment . 247
- Proposed Section 10.1, N.D.R. Local Ct. P.R... 248