William A. Jacobsen
District Court Judge
Elected in 1943
Judge Jacobsen was born in Burlington Township, Ward County, North Dakota, August 31, 1901. He graduated from Minot High School in 1920 and the University of North Dakota in 1924. He received his law degree from the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1926, and moved to Watford City to open his law practice. He served as McKenzie County State's Attorney during the 1930's and 1940's, he was also City Attorney and Magistrate of Watford City. Served as Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, from 1943 to 1948, before joining the United States Department of State as a War Crimes Judge in Germany. He held that position until 1952 when he returned to Watford City. Judge Jacobsen died on December 31, 1990.