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  • 2017 State of the Judiciary address

    On Jan. 4, 2017, North Dakota Chief Justice Gerald VandeWalle presented the State of the Judiciary Address to the 65th Legislative Assembly. Here is the text of his remarks.
  • 2015 State of the Judiciary address

    On Jan. 7, 2015, North Dakota Chief Justice Gerald VandeWalle presented the State of the Judiciary Address to the 64th Legislative Assembly. Here is the text of his remarks.
  • State of the Judiciary Message 2008

    In past years we have made printed copies of this message and attached to it the Annual Report of the Courts. Because both the State of the Judiciary and the Annual Report are readily accessible on the Supreme Court website, almost simultaneously with my appearance, we have not done so this year. The Supreme Court website address is:
  • State of the Judiciary Message 2010

    Clarence Darrow is quoted in the New York Times April 19, 1936, as saying "There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court." With all due respect to Mr. Darrow, I hope to prove him wrong at least with regard to access to justice in the courts.
  • State of the Judiciary Report 2011

    I am pleased to offer the State of the Judiciary Report to the 112th Annual Meeting of the State Bar Association. Despite what some of the younger lawyers may believe, I have not been in attendance at all 112 meetings. A few people in this room were in attendance at the same meeting I was a few weeks ago in which the speaker, a retired Law School Dean, in talking about his age said that "With age comes wisdom but sometimes age comes alone."
  • 2012 State of the Judiciary Address

    The annual report of the North Dakota Judicial System for 2011 is now published and is available for viewing on the Supreme Court's website if you are interested. I do not intend to repeat the contents of that report in these remarks. I am aware that time is limited and I do not intend to overstay my welcome.