McHenry County
Address: 407 S Main St, Towner, ND 58788
Tina Powell- Clerk of District Court
Lynn Stone- Deputy Clerk of District Court
Trey Skager- Sheriff
Johnna Torr- Recorder
Joshua E. Frey- State's Attorney
Miriam Smette- Victim Witness Coordinator
Mailing Address: 407 Main St S, Room 203, Towner ND 58788
Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm, Closed from 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Phone: (701) 537-5729
Fax: (701) 537-0555
Courthouse Instructions: The Courtroom is located on the 3rd floor. The main entrance is on the west side of the building. The elevator is located at the south entrance.
Parking Instructions: Parking is available on the street in front of the main (west) entrance, or in the parking lot located on the east and south sides of the building.
Jury Instructions: Jurors are not to bring their cell phones in the building. If they do so, they must be checked in with the Clerk’s office. Drinks and snacks are provided to the jurors before the trial starts and during breaks. No food or drinks are allowed in the courtroom.