Effective Date: 3/1/2017
As used in these rules:
A. "Association" means the state bar association of North Dakota.
B. "Board" means the disciplinary board of the supreme court.
C. "Clerk" means the clerk of the supreme court.
D. "Court" means the North Dakota supreme court.
E. "Counsel" means disciplinary counsel, unless the context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise.
F. "Diversion from discipline" means a stay of proceedings before the district inquiry committee, the board, or the court, conditioned on participation in the lawyer assistance program.
G. "Lawyer assistance program" means a program established by the association to aid in preventing and alleviating problems that may adversely influence a lawyer's performance.
H. "Public member" means an individual other than a licensed lawyer.
G. "Secretary" means secretary of the disciplinary board.
For additional definitions concerning lawyer discipline, see Rule 4.1C of these rules ("serious crime") and also North Dakota Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions (Definitions Section and Section B).
Rule 1.0 was adopted January 1, 1995, amended August 1, 2004; March 1, 2017.
Rule 1.0 was amended effective March 1, 2017, to add definitions of "counsel" and "public member".