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Amend/Review Child Support (Income Changes Only)


Child support may be ordered as its own case, or ordered as part of a family law case, such as divorce, legal separation, paternity, or establishing parenting rights and responsibilities.

If a North Dakota state district court has ordered payment of child support, a party may request that the court review and amend the order based on changes in income.


These forms may be used to request review and amendment of a child support order based on income changes. There must already be a court order setting or reserving child support. These forms are not used to ask the court to change parenting time (visitation) or residential responsibility (custody).

Review the forms and instructions carefully! Follow the instructions for the forms packet and for the individual form.

The forms and instructions can be printed out and handwritten, if desired. You can fill in the blanks of the forms listed below by typing in the requested information on your computer keyboard. Print out each form when you complete your work. The form will clear when you close it.

Child Support Review and Amendment Forms Packet:

Forms to Make the Request for Review and Amendment

Forms to Reply to the Request for Review and Amendment

Optional Printable Financial Affidavit – For Use by Any Party

Child Support Division Resources Provided by the State Child Support Division

The state Child Support Division provides several additional resources.  They are not affiliated with the North Dakota Court System and the resources are not supported by North Dakota Legal Self Help Center Staff.

Selected Statutes (Laws) & Rules

If you do not understand any of this information, or if you have trouble filling out any of the forms located here, please see an attorney for help.

The information provided on and obtained from this site does not constitute the official record of the Court. This information is provided as a service to the general public. Any user of this information is hereby advised that it is being provided "as is". The information provided may be subject to errors or omissions. Visitors to this site agree that the Court is not liable for errors or omissions of any of the information provided.

If you have a question relating to a case that is already filed please contact the clerk of court for the county.