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Other Resources

  • Legal Services of North Dakota

    Legal Services of North Dakota is a non-profit organization, providing free legal assistance in a variety of matters to low income and elderly North Dakotans. Legal Services of North Dakota can also determine whether you meet the income requirements for the Volunteer Lawyers program which offers low-cost legal assistance based on income.
    (800) 634-5263 Under Age 60
    (866) 621-9886 Age 60+

  • Dakota Plains Legal Services

    Contact information for each of Dakota Plains Legal Services (DPLS) eight offices is on their website. DPLS is a non-profit legal services organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals, older Americans, and veterans. DPLS serves communities across South Dakota and North Dakota, including nine tribal court nations. DPLS free legal assistance includes help with tribal court matters.Legal Services of North Dakota's Brochures

  • State Bar Association of North Dakota

    State Bar Association of North Dakota (SBAND) is the official statewide organization of lawyers. SBAND provides a lawyer referral service to match paying clients in need of legal services with lawyers.  A referral includes a lawyer's name, phone number and up to a 30-minute consultation with the lawyer in the area of law of your choice and town or county of your choice. The charge for a referral is $30.
    PO Box 2136
    Bismarck, ND 58502-2136
    (701) 255-1404
    (800) 472-2685
    (866) 450-9579 Lawyer Referral Service

  • Child Support

    Child Support works with parents, employers, and other partners to help ensure children receive court ordered financial and medical support.
    PO Box 7190
    Bismarck, ND 58507-7190
    (701) 328-5440
    (800) 231-4255
    (800) 366-6888 TTY text
    (800) 366-6889 TTY voice

  • Office of Attorney General Consumer Protection Division

    The Consumer Protection and Antitrust Division protects North Dakota consumers from misleading, deceptive, or unlawful trade practices in connection with the sale or advertisement of goods or services by enforcing the state’s antitrust laws and consumer fraud laws including, among others, false advertising, do-not-call, contractor fraud, transient merchant, home solicitation sales, and charitable solicitation laws.
    1720 Burlington Drive, Suite C
    Bismarck ND 
    (701) 328-3404
    (800) 472-2600 (In-State Only)

  • North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities

    The council advocates for policy changes that promote choice, independence, productivity, and inclusion for all North Dakotans with developmental disabilities. The council supports and provides funding for projects and activities that maximize opportunities for consumers and families. The council serves in a planning and advisory capacity to State policymakers and agencies relative to services for persons with developmental disabilities.
    600 E Boulevard Ave
    Bismarck ND 58505
    (701) 328-4847

  • North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs

    The Department works to ensure that every Veteran in the State of North Dakota receives every benefit to which they may be entitled from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), other agencies, and the State of North Dakota.
    4201 38th Street South, Suite 104
    Fargo, ND 58104-7535
    (701) 239-7165
    (866) 634-8387
    Fax: (701) 239-7166

  • North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission

    The Department works to create a better North Dakota through the improvement of tribal/state relations and better understanding between American Indian and non-Indian people.
    600 East Boulevard Avenue
    1st Floor, Judicial Wing - Room #117
    Bismarck, ND 58505
    (701) 328-2428

  • North Dakota Commission on Legal Counsel for Indigents

    The Commission provides attorneys to represent indigent persons in cases where the person has a right to an attorney under the Constitution, the North Dakota Century Code or North Dakota rules. These cases include felonies and misdemeanor cases brought in district court, post-conviction matters, some juvenile cases, and some civil cases where the court has determined that jail is a likely sanction if the allegations are proven correct (but then, only as to that portion of the matter dealing with the contempt issue). The Commission also provides attorneys in appeals of these matters.
    300 2nd Avenue NE, Suite 212
    Jamestown, ND 58072
    (701) 845-8632

  • North Dakota Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalition

    The Coalition supports and serves as a unified voice for 19 domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocacy centers across North Dakota. The Coalition has a statewide online directory of the domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocacy centers.
    521 E. Main Avenue, Suite 320
    Bismarck, ND 58501
    (701) 255-6240

  • North Dakota Protection and Advocacy Project

    A protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities in North Dakota. Their staff is trained to beknowledgeable about service delivery systems and the legal rights of people with disabilities.
    Wells Fargo Bank Building
    400 E. Broadway, Suite 409
    Bismarck, ND 58501-4071
    (701) 328-2950
    (800) 472-2670

  • Guardian and Protective Services, Inc.

    A nonprofit corporation established to provide needed protective services to vulnerable adults who haveno family members or capable friends living nearby.
    3801 Lockport Street, Suite 4
    Bismarck, ND 58503
    (701) 222-6600
    (888) 570-4277