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A subpoena is the process to require the attendance of a non-party witness at deposition, hearing or trial.

A subpoena is also the process to require a non-party to produce documents, electronically stored information or tangible things; or to require the inspection of premises.

Subpoenas may be used by a party in a civil action to require a person to do the following at a specific time and place:

  • Attend and testify at a deposition, hearing or trial;
  • Produce the documents listed in the subpoena;
  • Produce the electronically stored information listed in the subpoena;
  • Produce the tangible things listed in the subpoena (the tangible things must be in the person’s possession, custody or control); or
  • Permit the inspection of the premises listed in the subpoena.

When you represent yourself in a civil action, you cannot issue a subpoena on your own. Only a Clerk of Court or a lawyer for the party can issue a subpoena in a civil action.

Subpoena Guides

Subpoena forms aren't available through the North Dakota Legal Self Help Center.

Selected Statutes (Laws) & Rules

Following are legal research starting points related to subpoenas. You may need to conduct additional legal research into your legal issue.  See the Legal Research Section of this website.

Other Resources

Following are other resources related to subpoenas that may be of interest.

If you do not understand any of this information, or if you have trouble filling out any of the forms located here, please see an attorney for help.

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If you have a question relating to a case that is already filed please contact the clerk of court for the county.