Message from the Chief Justice
A message from the Chief Justice on in-person hearings
Throughout the Judicial Branch, juvenile court staff, reporters and recorders, administrators, law clerks and the members of the clerk of court offices have all worked to make our return to in-person proceedings as safe as possible. -
Response to SBAND question regarding the CARES ACT and Administrative Order 27
The following question was received from a member of the State Bar Association of North Dakota. Responses to earlier questions and comments were posted on the Supreme Court web page. -
Updated second response to questions from SBAND members
The following are additional responses to questions and comments forwarded to the Supreme Court through the State Bar Association of North Dakota. -
Chief Justice expresses thanks to judicial team members
Judicial Team Members, greetings. Your hard work and dedication to the North Dakota Judicial System over the past several weeks is appreciated. -
Updated Supreme Court statement on parenting time
On April 1, the Court expanded its family mediation program to allow access to family mediators to resolve parenting time disputes in cases with existing parenting time orders and without the necessity of a pending motion. -
Chief Justice's updated statement on appeals to the North Dakota Supreme Court
Chief Justice Jon J. Jensen has issued an updated statement explaining how the Supreme Court will be handling appeals and hearings during the coronavirus pandemic. -
Responses to questions from SBAND Members
The following are responses to questions and comments forwarded to the Court through the State Bar Association of North Dakota. -
Office of the State Auditor issues positive report for the Judicial Branch
The Office of the State Auditor has released its audit report for the Judicial Branch for the biennium ending June 30, 2019. -
Chief Justice statement on continuances and rescheduling
Chief Justice Jon J. Jensen has issued a statement discussing the Supreme Court's recent orders related to continuances and rescheduling.