County Holiday Provides Unique Opportunity Wednesday, June 19, 2024
County Holiday Provides Unique Opportunity:
McKenzie County Clerk of Court, Jodee Lawlar, transitioned into a dual office role taking responsibility for Williams County Clerks in October of 2023. Ms. Lawlar, as well as both supervisors, travels between offices providing supervision and leadership in both offices and is supported by clerk supervisors, Maty Benth and McKenzie Johnson.
The Williams County Courthouse is closed in recognition of Juneteenth providing a unique opportunity for staff in both offices. The Williams County clerks traveled to Watford City and worked side by side with the McKenzie County clerks both in the courtroom and clerk’s office. The offices have worked closely since October with efforts in training, uniformity, and support for one another. Both supervisors and staff can work interchangeably via remote means and a short commute provides on-site opportunities increasing inter personal skills, training, and coverage both in court and in each office.
The transition has come with hurdles and challenges to overcome. Collective efforts have and continue to foster a cohesive team approach conducive to both personal and professional growth of everyone involved. It has increased communication, teamwork, and support. Utilization of Zoom, messenger, and Miro board has provided valuable resources on the fly, as well as a constructive and ultimately entertaining manner for completing daily responsibilities and tasks.
As one Courthouse closes another doubles taking full advantage of a great opportunity!