Judge Agotness hosts mock criminal jury trial Tuesday, May 7, 2024
On Friday, May 3, 2024 a Problems of Democracy class, taught by Mr. Eric Kuhn, from Cavalier High School visited the Pembina County Courthouse and participated in a Mock Trial. The students, all juniors and seniors, were assisted by Pembina County State’s Attorney Garett Fontaine in prosecuting the case and by local attorney Robert Fleming in defending the accused. Judge Kari Agotness presided over the mock trial. The trial was based in part on an actual murder that occurred in Minnesota many years ago. The panel of jurors, after deliberating and considering the evidence as presented, found the defendant not guilty.
States Attorney Garett Fontaine, seated behind students in the near table, provided help to student prosecutors. Local attorney, Robert Flemming, seated behind students at the far table, provided assistance to student defenders.
By participating in the mock trial in a real courtroom, the students developed a deeper understanding of the judicial process by being active participants and gaining an understanding of the roles of all parties involved. Students also gain an understanding of the preparation of a case and practice their public speaking skills.
Judge Kari Agotneess, standing in the back, poses with junior and senior students from Cavalier High School.