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SCJD offers training for self-represented litigants Jan. 29 Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Self-represented individuals appear in courtrooms every day and find themselves in situations that involve unfamiliar language and procedures.  And, those individuals are required to follow the same rules attorneys are required to follow.

Judges and judicial referees of the South Central Judicial District will present a two-hour program for individuals who wish to represent themselves in court proceedings involving evictions, parenting, small claims, and protection orders, according to Judges Doug Bahr and Pamela Nesvig.  The program will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29 at the Burleigh County Courthouse.  The program is free and there is no registration required.

"We’ll provide information about the basics," Bahr said.  The program will assist people as they plan for introduction of evidence and presenting their cases in a courtroom. "

"People believe they will be able to present affidavits or other written statements, and are disappointed when they learn they can’t do so," Nesvig explained.  "We want to help people avoid disappointment when they learn what the rules are too late."


For further information:

Judge Doug Bahr –           701-222-6682 or

Judge Pamela Nesvig –   701-222-6682 or