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Law library resources available to attorneys and public Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Law Library is now offering in-person visits by appointment, along with its ongoing phone, email, and mail legal research assistance.

For up-to-date Law Library access information, please refer to or contact Paula Amelsberg, Kathy Krause, or Catie Palsgraaf directly.

Print Collection and Microfiche Availability:

The library's print collection is now contained in the Law Library Annex and Consultations Rooms room on the second floor of the Judicial Wing. These rooms cannot be accessed directly from the library lobby. The public and attorneys may still use the print collection: staff will help them identify the specific books on the subject they’re researching. Then, staff will bring the books to them in the library lobby.

Only attorneys licensed to practice in North Dakota may check out books. All other non-Judicial Branch patrons must remain in the library lobby while using books from the print collection.

The Law Library’s microfiche collection and reader are housed in the library lobby. The microfiche collection consists mainly of North Dakota state legislative history. Microfiche cannot be checked out.

Electronic Resources Availability:

The Law Library has one Westlaw patron access license, which is available at our patron access computers in the library lobby.

Staff can also arrange a temporary sign on and password for patrons who wish to use the Lexis Nexis Digital Library. The patron may use our patron access computers in the lobby, or access the Lexis Nexis Digital Library anywhere they have an internet connection.

If a patron is unable to find a specific primary or secondary resource using Westlaw patron access or the Lexis Nexis Digital Library, library staff can search our other print and electronic resources such as Heinonline or Wolters Kluwer Cheetah, and, if available, provide the resource – as long as the size isn’t excessive or outside the copyright exceptions for libraries.

Consultation Rooms Availability:

Two Law Library consultation rooms are available to attorneys on the day of their oral argument with the Supreme Court.