Search Tips

Judgment Case Records Searches

To search by:


Some fields are required; they are indicated by red text and a red plus sign (+). All other fields are considered optional.


To search by Party (Name):

  1. Select Party.

  2. Optional: If you want to use Soundex, select the Use Soundex checkbox as described in Searching Tips.

  3. Type in the Last Name and First Name or use the wild card search as described in Searching Tips. Middle Name is optional.

    (Also search maiden name if applicable.)

  4. Click Search or press Enter.

To search by Party (Business Name):

  1. Select Party.

  2. Optional: If you want to use Soundex, select the Use Soundex checkbox as described in Searching Tips.

  3. Select Business.

  4. Type in the Business Name or use the wild card search as described in Searching Tips.

  5. Click Search or press Enter.