Effective Date: 3/1/2017
A. Appointment. The operations committee consists of four members: three lawyer members, one former or current board member appointed by the court from a list of three nominations submitted by the disciplinary board, one appointed by the court from a list of three nominations submitted by the association's board of governors, one former or current commission member appointed by the court from a list of three nominations submitted by the judicial conduct commission, and one public member appointed by the court. The state court administrator or designee serves as an ex officio member who votes only when necessary to break a tie. Committee members each serve for a term of three-years and until a successor is appointed and qualifies. Terms of lawyer members must be staggered so that no more than one member is appointed for a full three-year term in any one year. Except when filling an unexpired term, a member may not serve for more than two consecutive three-year terms.
B. Election of Chair. At the first meeting of the committee in each calendar year, the members of the committee shall elect a chair and vice-chair. The chair, and in the chair's absence the vice-chair, performs the duties normally associated with the office and presides over all meetings of the full committee.
C. Secretary. The executive director of the association is the ex officio secretary to the committee. The secretary shall maintain permanent financial and non-disciplinary case administrative records regarding the lawyer disciplinary system and disciplinary personnel. The secretary shall regularly provide financial statements to the committee.
D. Compensation. Members receive no compensation for their services, but are reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Costs associated with the administrative duties of the secretary are paid by the board from funds appropriated, deposited, or dedicated for its purposes.
E. Powers and Duties. The committee is responsible for:
(1) the fiscal management of the lawyer disciplinary system, including all issues related to personnel management;
(2) general oversight of caseload management efforts to ensure timely and efficient system operation; and
(3) conducting annual performance evaluation of disciplinary counsel.
The committee shall adopt rules for internal operations and procedures. The disciplinary board retains responsibility for issues of discipline.
The committee shall make an annual written report to the court, the association's board of governors, the disciplinary board, the state Board of Law Examiners, and the judicial conduct commission.
Rule 2.2. was adopted on an emergency basis effective July 16, 1998; adopted, as further amended, on a final basis effective September 8, 1998; amended effective August 1, 2001; amended effective March 1, 2017.
Section A was amended effective March 1, 2017, to add a public member to the operations committee and provide the state court administrator votes as an ex-officio member only when necessary to break a tie.
Section E was amended effective March 1, 2017, to add operations committee responsibilities related to oversight of caseload management and performance evaluations of disciplinary counsel.