ND Supreme Court
Registration Reminder - Supreme Court E-filing
The public portal of the North Dakota Appellate Case System is now live, effective April 8. Attorneys are required to e-file and self-represented parties are encouraged to file. -
Instructions on using the new Supreme Court public portal
Supreme Court posts instructions on its website regarding using the new public portal -
ND Court System Releases 2023 Annual Report
The 2023 annual report for the North Dakota Court System has been posted. -
Horizon Middle School students explore court careers
Students from Horizon Middle School in Bismarck stopped at the supreme court to learn about careers in the North Dakota court system. -
Sunrise Elementary School students visit the Supreme Court
Students from Sunrise Elementary School in Bismarck visited the Supreme Court and Justice McEvers and Justice Bahr -
Order of Adoption
Amend. to N.D.App.R. 32 and N.D.R.Ct. 11.8 -
New Opinions: March 18
The Supreme Court posted 5 new opinions on March 18th. -
Order of Adoption - 20240057
A new Order of Adoption has been posted in Supreme Court Docket No. 20240057 -
Registration and training for new appellate e-filing system
Registration and Training for new appellate public access, e-filing, and docket system -
Order of Adoption
Amend. to N.D.R.App.P. 3, 12, 25, 31 and Appendix B