Update Contact Information
Whenever a lawyer admitted to practice in this state moves from the address listed in the Board of Law Examiners records or when the name of a lawyer is changed by marriage or otherwise, that lawyer shall within ten days thereafter notify the Board or the Clerk of the Supreme Court, in writing, of that person's new address or of such former and new names held by that lawyer.
A lawyer admitted to practice in this state has a continuing obligation to provide a current e-mail address for the purpose of receiving electronic service under N.D.R.Ct. 3.5(e)(3).
To update your contact information, e-mail BarExaminers@ndcourts.gov. Put the following in the body of your e-mail (using your own contact information, of course):
Law Firm/Business Name
Street Address and/or P.O. Box
City, State, Zip
E-mail Address
E-service Address (if different from your E-mail Address)
N.D. Bar I.D. Number
To update a Change of Name, e-mail your marriage certificate or Court Order effecting the name change to BarExaminers@ndcourts.gov. Indicate in the body of your e-mail how your name should now be reflected in the Board’s records if it is not otherwise evident from the documentation submitted.